Sunday, September 13, 2009

Some of the things I found this week...

Here are a few things I lucked up on this week:

I know - doesn't look like much now, does it? But I have big plans for this little plastic thingie. I'm not sure what it really is - my best guess is some kind of store display (although I could be TOTALLY wrong). But I have lots of Halloween deliciousness planned for it!

These were my vintage steals for three bucks each. I'm not sure what era they are really from; I was thinking 60's, but they could actually be much newer than that. In any case, I like 'em! I thought they would be super cute on the back patio as planters.

And finally, my thrift store find - it had been at the store since late August, so it was 25% off!! Woohoo! And again, only vintage in the slightest sense of the word, but it has such potential. I looked at, walked away, came back, walked away again, and finally called big sis and described it to her (I can always count on her to help me make up my mind). I have been seeing a lot of big floor mirrors lately on decorating blogs and in magazines, and since I heart mirrors anyway (especially beveled ones - yum-o), this one just grabbed me. A little paint, a little distressing, and it is going to be fabulous! (of course, don't have a clue where I will put it, but that's just a minor detail!!)

P.S. please ignore the cluttered bookshelf behind the mirror. Sigh, I know. Clutter is the enemy!


  1. That is one honkin' mirror! Will look fabulo-cious once you cover up that oak!

  2. Hi Amy! You've got yourself a good start for some amazing pieces! Now don't forget to show us the after pictures as well! Happy Monday!

    :) T

  3. Hi Amy! thanks for visiting my blog today! you found some amazing treasures, my goodness, I love the planters? Barrels?.... :) and that is a goregeous mirror!

  4. Wow! You find some pretty cool stuff!
